REL 231 - History of the Christian Church

Study Topics and Assignments

Week 13 - The Age of Colonialism
Textbook Readings and Class Notes
InterNet Resources
  • InterNet Links for Week 13
  • Other useful articles can be found by using GoodSearch
  • You may use Wikipedia to give a lead to other sources and material, but you should not use it as a main source - Do not quote from it
This Week's Assignment : Who am I ?

The first 16 of the people below are mentioned in Chapter 13. The last four people are mentioned in the Course notes and the InterNet Links. Identify them, and write a paragraph on each of them, describing their contributions to the development of the Christian Church. - for some of these you may have to consult sources beyond the textbook

  1. I became Secretary of the Church Missionary Society, and formulated the "Three Selves" principle
  2. I was a French Jew who became a Roman Catholic and founded the Society of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
  3. I was a Yoruba who became a Bishop in West Africa
  4. I was a Scottish missionary, who was sent with my wife to Kuruman by the London Missionary Society 1n 1821
  5. I was a German missionary, sent by the Church Missionary Society to Ethiopia. Later, I traveled to Mombasa and translated the New Testament into Swahili
  6. I was a Scottish missionary who married Robert Moffat's daughter
  7. I was a missionary in the Congo who gave away all my possessions because someone asked my why I didn't do as Christ taught
  8. I was sent by the London Missionary Society to Tahiti in 1617, and also went to Tonga and Samoa
  9. I was one of two men who were supported by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and went to India in 1706 - choose either one of the two to write about
  10. I was a Lutheran who visited the British fort at Tiruchirapalli in India, and stayed there for several years
  11. I was a student of Charles Simeon. I translated the New Testament into Urdu
  12. I was an Indian Muslim scholar who became a Christian and worked as a doctor among the poor
  13. I was the Anglican Bishop of Calcutta for 26 years. I challenged the caste system of India
  14. I was a member of the Cowley Fathers. I translated the Psalms into Urdu
  15. I was the founder of the Baptist Missionary Society, and translated the New Testament into Bengali
  16. I was a Scottish Presbyterian who went as a missionary to China in 1807
  17. I was one of the first of the Ugandan Christians to be martyred. I rebuked my king for killing James Hannington, so he had me killed
  18. I was an Englishman who went as a missionary to China and founded the China Inland Mission
  19. I was one of the "Cambridge Seven". I went as a missionary to China, then India, and lastly Africa
  20. I was a Lithuanian Jew who became a Christian and went as a missionary to China

Remember to cite your sources

Use MSWord or a text editor such as Notepad to prepare and save your work, then submit it as one document to Turnitin via the Blackboard link

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Last Updated : December 20, 2013

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