Dr. Shirley's Web Courses

REL 101 - Old Testament Survey

Report 9

Please write your answers to the questions as a text file (using NotePad), or in an MS Word document ( .doc file), and send them either as an attachment to the email, or in the body of the email message to these three addresses :
rel101@hellokitty.com, rel101@mail2world.com, rel101@catholic.org

Remember to include your name and email address in the message itself, and at the head of any Word document you send.
Please use all three addresses, in case any of the sites are having problems.
Please don't send Word Perfect Files or any type of file other than MSWord or text files.

NOTE : It is a good idea to prepare an answer page with a word processor and save it to a diskette in the A drive before sending your report - if the computer gives trouble you will still have the answers to send again.

Your Name :

Email address :

A : Write out in full your 6 Key Verses for this week
Give chapter and verse, and write out the full texts.

B :

To answer some of the questions, you may need to check out the Notes on the Book of Psalms

  1. What are the 5 "books" of Psalms, and what does each book end with
  2. What are the main literary types of Psalms
  3. Write out a verse typical of a Hymn in praise of God
  4. Write out a verse typical of a Community Lament
  5. Write out a verse typical of an individual Lament
  6. Write out a verse typical of a Community Thanksgiving
  7. Write out a verse typical of an individual Thanksgiving
  8. Write out a verse typical of a Royal Psalm
  9. Write out a verse or verses which illustrate reiteration
  10. Write out a verse or verses which illustrate parallelism
  11. Write out a verse or verses which illustrate antithesis
  12. Which Psalm did Jesus quote on the Cross. Write out a verse which applies to the Crucifixion
  13. With which Feasts are Psalms 113-118 associated. Write out a verse which illustrates this association
  14. How many sections are there in Psalm 119, and what is peculiar to each section
  15. What is the name for the group comprising Psalms 120-134, and under what circumstances were they sung. Write out a verse which illustrates their main theme
  16. What is the common theme of Psalms 145-150, and how do Jews use them today. Write out a verse which illustrates the common theme
  17. What event is associated with Psalm 51. Write out a verse which would be appropriate to that setting
  18. What event is associated with Psalm 79. Write out a verse which would be appropriate to that setting
  19. What is the title given to Psalm 136. Write out a verse which illustrates the theme of the Psalm
  20. With what period is Psalm 137 associated. Write out a verse which would be appropriate to that setting

Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson

Department of Religion
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated: September 19, 2008

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