GR 423 - Advanced Greek Translation and Exegesis


Course Description

This course deals with selected New Testament writings with special study in Greek grammar. Class will consist of lectures, various activities, and class discussion. Since a large amount and a wide range of material will be covered during each class meeting, regular attendance is necessary to do well in the class. Roll will be taken, and a student who is consistently absent or ill-prepared should expect a lower grade.

Objectives of the Course

To enable the student :

  • to gain facility in the reading and translation of the Greek New Testament.
  • to continue the study of the Greek language, with reference to a variety of authors.
  • to continue to learn the vocabulary and grammar of the Greek language.
  • to develop exegetical skills for reading the New Testament.
  • to encounter the Septuagint as it is quoted in the Greek New Testament.
  • to continue reading the Greek New Testament.

Student Expectations

Students are expected to complete all assignments on time, and to spend some time each day in reading and learning the language.
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Students should refer to the university catalogue or go here for a definition of academic dishonesty and its penalties.
Grades will be based on class assignments and participation.
Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require special arrangements in order to meet the course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible so that necessary accommodations may be made.

Course Prerequisites : Satisfactory completion of GR 302
The Instructor and Office Hours

The instructor is available to meet with any student regarding any matter. The instructor will be available at the office hours posted, and at other times by appointment. Students may contact the instructor by phone 9 am to 9 pm. Home phone 763-0101, with an answering machine to leave messages, or e-mail Dr. Rollinson

Grades will be based on Assignments and Participation


Computation of Grades
90 - 100 %= A
80 - 89 % = B
70 - 79 % = C
60 - 69 % = D
0 - 59 % = F
Text Books
  1. The Greek New Testament - Get a copy of the Greek New Testament which has a Dictionary bound in the back of the book. Available from the Bookstore, or from the American Bible Society, ISBN 0-438-05-1109, with Aland given as the editor.
    Please do not get one with an interlinear translation or with an English text alongside.
  2. The Online Greek Textbook - Print out and file in a couple of three-ring binders.
  3. The Books Page lists grammar books and reference works which are useful for advanced Greek studies. These are not required for the course, but are recommended for those who want to continue their studies of Greek.
Course Organization

Each Class Session will normally consist of :

  • Roll-call and Homework due
  • Discussion of the previous Reading Assignment, Homework, Quiz Results, etc.
  • Reading and translation of the passage(s) set for the day.
  • New Material - Grammar & Vocabulary
  • Assignment to be completed for next class

Assignments - The Assignments are normally due by the start of the following Class session.
Late Work - For work to be eligible for an "A" Grade, work must be given to the instructor on time. Work may be handed in up to 2 weeks late, but will drop a letter Grade per week that it is overdue.
Makeup - Because of the nature of this course, in which each class session builds upon the material covered in the last session, there is no provision for "make-up" work.
Extensions - extensions will only be granted under grave extenuating circumstances and at the discretion of the instructor. If you think that you may need an extension, you should contact the instructor ahead of time with your request, and explain the situation.

Anticipated Student Workload

2 hours per week Class, 2-3 hours per week preparation, writing, and learning, 1-2 hours per week Library & InterNet


Resource Page
Computer Labs
ENMU Golden Library

Copyright © 1999 Shirley J. Rollinson, all Rights Reserved

Dr. Rollinson

ENMU Station 19
Portales, NM 88130

Last Updated : June 23, 2017

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